Course Curriculum

Get ready for learning!

    1. Signature Hybrid Sculpt Masterclass

    2. First and Foremost!

    3. Disclaimers

    4. Join Our BA Community

    1. Meet The Founder: Kyrsthen Hubayan

    2. Did You Know?

    1. Get to know my business.

    2. Protect & Secure your Brand

    1. Elevate Your Business

    2. How to attract the right clients

    3. What to do with NO-SHOWS.

    4. How to deal with rude clients

    5. Protect your Income

    1. Let’s talk about accounting.

    2. What is TAX?

    3. What is GST & BAS?

    4. How does Business Deductions work?

    1. Health & Safety

    2. How to Deal with Complaints

About this Course

  • $599.00
  • 73 lessons


Include additional content to your course curriculum to provide further value to your students.

  • Brow Wax & Sculpt Model (1 & 2)


    This is typically a separate Masterclass! There are two models for (Hard Wax & Soft Wax) for this bonus module! Kyrsthen wanted to provide an all-inclusive Masterclass where you can find EVERYTHING you need to learn and understand the world of brows!

  • Business Structure Tips


    Business Structure Tips - Kyrsthen shares with you what she's learnt from running her own business and how you can get started with yours as well!

  • Content Editing

    Kyrsthen talks you through a step by step process on how she takes her photos and videos and how she edits them using Inshot, acetone, Studio and Canva!

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